Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Farm Photos

I figured it was about time to post some farm pictures:

Here's Forest with a nearly-ripe jack o'lantern. Don't forget, Big Fall Harvest Party Fest is Sat. Oct. 15 where a whole lotta these will be here for CSA members/party goers to pick up.

Maybel the mighty racoon dog. She was a little reluctant to pose for this picture since it wasn't quite time for her to be in her house (she's only stationed there during night-time hours).

This is a hoophouse shot. Forest was getting bored at this point hence the ornery face. Notice the great okra plants and the sad tomato plants (boo!).

Here is Cass bringing down the goat ladies Rose and Shirley. We've been really enjoying their milk. I think goat cheese is in our future!

Forest and the sunflower patch.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Number Twelve

My very best guess for this week:

Half Shares: Green Beans, Cucumbers, Summer Squash, Brocolli or Tomatillos or Cherry Tomatoes, Assorted Sweet Peppers (not in photo), Garlic, Onion and Kale or Swiss Chard (not in photo).

Full Shares: Sweet Corn, Cucumbers, Okra, Tomatillos, Garlic, Summer Squash, Spuds, Carrots, Assorted Hot Peppers, Swiss Chard, Herbs and other hip treats.

Check out these hay making pictures from last week. We put up a whole mess of square bales...it was quite the operation.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Number Eleven

Sorry for the very late post...it's been a really fun weekend around here. We had visitors all weekend, attended Pickle Fest, a threshing bee, a family reunion and a fish fry. As a result we just got done picking for Monday's delivery. Anyway...

As far as I can tell this week:

Half Shares: Sweet Corn!!!!,Cucumbers, Summer Squash, Golden and/or Pink Beets, Eggplant or Brocolli or Okra, Basil and Baby Kale (note: basil and kale are not in photo).

Full Shares: Big Bag of Beans, Cucumbers, Cherry Tomatoes, A Few Tomatoes, Garlic, Onions, Peppers, Tomatillos, Dill or Sage, Summer Squash, Kohlrabi, Kale and maybe even Eggs.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Number Ten

My best guess for this week:

Half Shares: Small Salsa Kit (enough tomatoes, onion, garlic, sweet and hot peppers and cilantro to make about a pint of salsa); Green Beans; Cucumbers; Eggplant or Carrots or Brocolli, Kale.

Full Shares: Big Salsa Kit(enough tomatoes, onion, garlic, sweet and hot peppers and cilantro to make about a quart of salsa); Cucumbers; Carrots; Beets; Turnips; Cherry Tomatoes; Kale and other hip treats.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Number Nine

Half Shares: Spuds, Beets, Onions, Kale, Carrots or Brocolli or Peppers, Cilantro or Basil, Cucumbers, Tomatoes and Summer Squash.

Full Shares: Onions, Kale, Peppers or Eggplant, Pickle Kit, Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Summer Squash, Kohlrabi, Green Beans, Sage or Basil, Parsley and other hip treats.