Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hi folks!

Check out a couple of young farmers out mud boggin' here on the farm last weekend. I've been dealing with lots of mud too (I got the rototiller stuck shortly after this picture was first time ever getting a tiller stuck). It can stop raining any time now.

Anyway, our first delivery went out this week. If you did not receive a box (or your box went where it was not suppose to) please contact Eener immediately at (715)643-2803.

The Wednesday full shares received mint. Next week we'll run mint to everyone else. Mint is a crazy plant, it keeps going and going. So if you find yourself in need of some mint at any point this summer order it by e-mail ( and it will show up in your next box (for free).

If you are wondering what to do with mint here are a couple of