There have been some new arrivals on the farm, with more to come. So far we’ve got a new tractor and three baby goats!
Check out these cuties:
Todd, one of the baby goat twin dudes born on April 19
Rod the other twin. These boys like to hang out in Forest's old play house (it's really funny when they go down the slide).
Momma goat Shirley and her baby girl Layla born the day before yesterday.
Other Babies Coming Up
We've got one more goat slated to give birth any day now. Next month our six ewes (sheep mammas-to-be) will lamb. It appears as though we have two hens sitting on eggs. If it all pans out we’ll have farm-grown baby chicks in about three weeks. On May 16 we will be getting 25 baby chicks from a hatchery (they will show up in the mail, weird huh?).
If you are interested in coming to see baby animals just give us a call (715-643-2803) or e-mail me ( and we can coordinate a time.
The baby goats are pet-able. Lambs here at our place are generally not pet-able, they are more wild…something to admire from afar. Farm-grown baby chicks are not pet-able either…the momma hens will attack! But hatchery chicks are totally pet-able. So for maximum baby exposure the end of May would be a good time to take a baby animal tour. By the way, the Farmall Super A is definitely pet-able!
Garden News
The rhubarb is up and so is the garlic. Rhubarb will be a first box item. Garlic scapes (the flower of the garlic plant) will show up by the end of June or so. Actual garlic heads will be happening in July.
It’s been pretty wet but I’ve managed to plant the early potatoes and also the peas. For spuds this year we will have the super-popular ultra delicious all red potatoes known as Mountain Rose; Rio Grand Russets, a standard russet tator; Purple Vikings a purple/blue potatoes and new this year, Banana Fingerlings an heirloom variety that is long and skinny and yellow.
In the past I’ve been able to start putting spuds in CSA boxes in the last week in June. Peas generally show up around that time too. For peas we are going to have Oregon Giant snow peas, Sugar Anne snap peas and Green Arrow shelling peas.
As soon as it dries up a bit I’ll be putting in red, yellow and white onions. Green onions will show up in your first box. Lettuce is another thing to plant soon. I’m going to do a big mix this year so you’ll find all sorts of green lettuces as well as some red kinds in your first box. Spinach will also go in soon. Since I ran short on this last year I’m going to go big on it this year. I’ve selected three different varieties so hopefully the harvest window will be longer and you all will get it for several weeks.
I’m trying a different variety of radishes this year too. They’re called Easter Egg and come in several shades of red, pink and purple. They seem cool…hope they work out. I also bought a new kind of kohlrabi called Gigantic. They are supposed to get really big…we’ll see…I’m also going to plant the standard kind too, just in case.
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